Photovoltaic module lamination technology is a gold medal winner all around the world. J.v.G. technology offers innovative photovoltaic module technology that makes their photovoltaic module series the new gold standard.
If there were a World Cup event for the solar industry, J.v.G. technology GmbH would have secured their position among the winners. With our specialization in the development and marketing of production equipment, we are the engine of innovation for the entire industry.
The latest technology from Thoma, a revolutionary high-performance solar module lamination technology, is breaking several records at the same time. For one thing, it is extremely heat resistant and very appropriate for deployment in desert regions, since it can handle temperatures of up to 125°C. Also, it has three times the lifespan of equivalent modules. The module is PID-free, which is extremely important for solar plants because Potentially Induced Degradation (PID) is one of the primary causes of performance loss in solar plants throughout the lifetime of their operations. This new, high-performance module was developed in close cooperation with the Bavarian solar provider, Jurawatt. A number of patents have already been registered for this new technology.
This new technology was made possible by a completely new solar lamination process. J.v.G. will offer this technology to all customers who want to invest in manufacturing equipment and open up attractive opportunities for themselves on the market.
Jurawatt GmbH, located in Neumarkt, will make the “desert-capable” high-performance module into a production series in January 2012. Production of the module will start almost simultaneously in Korea upon completion of the new Jurasolar plants in February 2012.
The solar module has been subjected to the strictest testing in accordance with the IEC and DIN standards. Among other tests, this includes testing UV behaviour, temperature cycling, humidity freezing behaviour and steam heat testing, which has been conducted for over 3,000 hours. Overall, the module received the best grades. The values were confirmed both by TÜV Germany (technical inspection association) as well as the Institut National de l’Énergie Solaire (INES, national institute of solar energy).
About J.v.G. technology GmbH
J.v.G. technology has over 20 years of experience. As an industry leader in the construction of ready-to-run solar product equipment, the company has been active internationally and supports customers throughout Europe, America and Asia. Their spectrum of services includes consultation in the field of solar energy production, implementation of solar factories and the purchase and sale of solar components. J.v.G. is also active as a consultant for corporate customers in Europe and Japan.
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